Professional inspirations

Ernest Kulhavy

The founder of the first marketing institute in the German-speaking world was not only for me a mentor, companion and constant source of inspiration.

He was a profound connoisseur of the real economy and, in addition to teaching, also focused on the joy of active work.


It is not artificial intelligence, but the far-sighted individuals who use it in a targeted manner that are revolutionizing the world.

They provide more multi-layered perception, growth and transformation. There is no room here for German Angst and regulations that try to inhibit progress and nip it in the bud.


The Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto noted that in many situations about 80% of the results or effects come from about 20% of the causes or efforts.

Even as an enthusiastic perfectionist, I can benefit from this rule again and again. It also creates space for intuition and creativity.

Private inspirations

Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony no.7

It combines dramatic intensity, emotional depth and the brilliant combination of rhythm and motifs.

Their incomparable vitality and eccentric expressiveness make them my personal classic feast for the ears.


For me, it’s more than just an extremely creative fashion label having been developed with a lot of commitment.

With palpable passion, Cinzia Macchi has decided to credibly integrate solidarity with the less privileged and also environmental protection into her concept.

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Muriel Barbery impressed me in her book with the discovery of beauty and meaning in the small details of life.

She breaks with social expectations and clichés and traces the path of striving for real human connection.